JULY 9-11

No childcare is provided, but children of all ages are welcome in every service.
Registration is free but required.
Location: Bridge Of Hope Church
7580 Glenwood Ave, Youngstown, OH 44512

6:00pm - Registration Opens
6:45pm - Doors To Auditorium Open
7:00pm Evening Service
9:45am - Auditorium Doors Open
10:00am - Morning Service
11:30am - Cultivating A Revival Culture Q&A
6:45pm - Doors To Auditorium Open
7:00pm - Evening Service
9:45am - Auditorium Doors Open
10:00am - Morning Service
11:30am - Presence Driven Culture Q&A
6:45pm - Doors To Auditorium Open
7:00pm - Evening Service
We want the glory of God. Encounter is what we are after.
We are gathering in hunger for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Youngstown, OH.
Revival For America will be coming to Bridge of Hope to host the Holy Spirit Conference in Youngstown, OH. In 2019 God placed it in the heart of Ryan Hart to create a space where believers from all over a region can gather to experience the Holy Spirit in deeply personal and uniquely powerful ways. This led to the start of the Holy Spirit Conference in St. Louis, MO. Every year this conference has grown in attendance and with an increase in demonstrations of God's power.
This July the Holy Spirit Conference will be taking place in Ohio!
We are inviting hungry believers from all across the state of OH and western PA to gather in Youngstown for 3 days of truly life changing encounters with the Holy Spirit. ​
Holy Spirit Conference includes teaching about the personhood and ministry of the Holy Spirit, extended worship sets beholding the beauty of the Lamb, and times of refreshing and impartation.
Holy Spirit Conference Youngstown will see hearts baptized in the fire of God. People will fall head over heels in love with Jesus as the Holy Spirit manifests God's goodness in our midst.
Come expecting and He will touch you. In the Kingdom of God, the hungry are always fed.